Email Marketing

Our well-crafted process to track customer engagement is dependent on more than conversions. Our goal is to develop collaborative relationships that create an outstanding, ever-green imprint on your business. This builds a community of consumers who will live and breathe your unique brand forever.

1. Email Marketing

Our email marketing team is fully aware of the touch points that are essential to interact, nurture, and keep your most vital users. Here are the following types of emails we deliver:
  • Brand, Product, and Service Sales Emails
  • Brand, Product, and Service Blog Emails

2. SMS Marketing

With mobile usage at an all-time high, it’s pretty obvious why SMS marketing is the most effective when it comes to getting a message to our audience. We will send your clients the same content in our emails, but through SMS format. Our SMS methods raise engagement and retention with the power of communication! Here are some facts and figures on SMS:
  • SMS are read 95% of the time
  • 50% of customers make direct purchases after getting a branded SMS message
  • 32% are likely to respond to SMS messages

3. Facebook Messenger

Through Facebook messenger, you can create powerful relationships with your users by sending special promotions, content, and customer support. Here is how Facebook messenger campaigns can help:
  • 80% open rate
  • 1.4 billion messenger users

Connect to raise your brand awareness!

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